Three Myths about Cloud Computing

March 01, 2012 2 min Read

The term cloud computing gets thrown around a lot these days. As companies look for innovative, sustainable solutions designed to streamline their information resources, new vendors are racing to the cloud computing market, hoping to cash in. Invariably, all this competition is bound to create a little confusion. As you might expect from any new technology, the market has become overloaded with information, and in some respects misinformation, on cloud computing. The end result being the creation of a number of prevailing myths:

Myth #1 - With Cloud Computing Your Data is Exposed

It’s true that with cloud computing your company’s data can be primarily saved and stored in the cloud. However, this does not mean that it is any more at risk than if it were stored on your local system. Whether you are using a public cloud computing solution or private cloud computing solution, your data can be controlled and protected.

Myth #2 – Cloud computing is equal to SaaS

Simply put, the terms cloud computing and Software as a Service (Saas) cannot be used interchangeably. Cloud computing is a broader term, referring to the shared computing environment and SaaS is a subset of this infrastructure.

Myth #3 – All cloud computing solutions are created equal

The difference between cloud computing solutions lies in how you get data into and out of each cloud and manage the functionality within those clouds. In order to ensure that the cloud computing solution you choose is best for your organization, a list of key areas need to be reviewed against your company’s needs too.

The above is just a sampling of the myths and concerns that many companies face when searching for a cloud computing solution. For a detailed analysis and expert advice, visit Expedient today….

Bryan Smith serves as Chief Strategy Officer at Expedient and brings more than 21 years of experience in the Telecommunications and Technology industries to his role. He oversees strategic growth planning and business development for Expedient. Bryan was one of the initial employees of Expedient in 2001 and has been instrumental in identifying expansion/acquisition opportunities within the Pittsburgh, Boston, Columbus, and Memphis markets.

Bryan Smith Bryan Smith

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