
A wealth of knowledge from our cloud experts at your fingertips.

    Compliance and Security

    Compliance and security solutions from Expedient enable organizations to secure sensitive data and streamline audit efforts.

    Info Sheets Healthcare eCommerce/Retail Financial Services Compliance and Security


    Expedient achieves value for clients by combining storage service options and technology to align with accessibility requirements.

    Info Sheets

    Manufacturing Outcome Story

    A material solutions provider leveraged Expedient’s infrastructure as a service via a private cloud solution to lower its recovery time objective with its disaster recovery plan.

    Outcome Stories Manufacturing/Logistics

    Professional Services Outcome Story

    An insurance company gains business continuity with Expedient’s disaster recovery as a service solution.

    Outcome Stories

    Software Defined Networking for Real Life Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)

    Watch a demonstration of Expedient’s Push Button DR 2.0 and an overview of its private and public disaster recovery as a service capabilities using SAN-to-SAN and Host-to Host replication methods.


    Industry - Energy and Utilities

    Expedient helps transform business operations for energy and utilities through tailored IT infrastructure services.

    Info Sheets Energy/Utilities

    Industry - Manufacturing

    Expedient offers dependable IT infrastructure solutions that are optimized for the manufacturing industry.

    Info Sheets Manufacturing/Logistics

    Industry - Professional Services

    Professional services firms turn to Expedient for reliable and industry-leading IT infrastructure solutions.

    Info Sheets Professional Services

    eCommerce and Retail Info Pack

    Info Sheets eCommerce/Retail

    On-Site Private Cloud with DraaS

    Expedient’s On-Site Private Cloud with Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) offers enhanced control and business resiliency by replicating computing environments between two data centers.

    Info Sheets Manufacturing/Logistics Compliance and Security

    Financial Outcome Story

    Find out how a regional bank improves its performance with Expedient’s hybrid cloud solution.

    Outcome Stories Financial Services
    The Future of VMware
    October 3rd, 2024 at 1:00 PM ET

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    The Future of VMware

    October 3rd, 2024 at 1:00 PM ET

    Insights from VMware Explore

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