
A wealth of knowledge from our cloud experts at your fingertips.

    Introducing Expedient Micro-Segmentation with ColorTokens [Webinar Replay]

    Protecting your network is a top security priority, usually focused on the perimeter of the network. But that can’t be our only focus. What happens if something gets through the perimeter? How do we protect our workloads and users from threats moving around inside our network? With Expedient Micro-Segmentation, powered by ColorTokens, you can easily secure and compartmentalize your network...


    Race to the Cloud with Mike Walker from Microsoft [Webinar Replay]

    Organizations are racing to the cloud at a record pace. To navigate the complexities involved, they need to realize the full potential of a multi-cloud approach and determine the optimal mix of on-premises, Enterprise cloud, and Azure for the spectrum of Microsoft and VMware-based workloads amassed over decades. Watch Mike Walker, Senior Director of Applied Innovation and Digital Transformation at...


    Introducing Expedient Enterprise Workspace [Webinar Replay]

    The future of work is creating change and it’s creating opportunity. To be ready for either, you’ll need a way to Work Different. You need to eliminate data storage and compliance concerns at the edge and improve application performance with your distributed workforce. With Expedient Enterprise Workspace, you get a whole new way to Work Smarter, Safer, and Simplified. Watch...

    Recover: Get Back Up And Running Faster [Webinar Replay]

    The worst has happened. Your organization is completely offline and the attackers are asking you for a sizeable ransom. Now what? Which backups can you trust? How can you make sure you’ve closed the door to further attacks? And how do you get your business back online without any further interruption? Watch AJ Kuftic, Digital Product Strategist at Expedient, discuss...


    Survive the Disaster, Manage the Crisis with C4CS' Oliver Schmidt [Webinar Replay]

    If a ransomware attack were to happen to your organization, how will you regain the trust of your customers? The technology and recovery capabilities only account for getting back online. Public relations, lost productivity, and business continuity plans are all a part of a full crisis management plan. Watch as AJ Kuftic, Digital Product Strategist at Expedient, and Oliver Schmidt,...


    451 Research: Enterprises are Missing Out by Not Optimizing Cloud Spending, Not Going Multicloud

    The title says it all. In this report, 451 Research outlines three key areas where your cloud spending can be optimized by employing a multi-cloud strategy that puts each workload in the optimal environment.


    Detect: How to Figure Out What Happened [Webinar Replay]

    The first sign of a ransomware attack will probably be a helpdesk ticket that says something like, “there’s a red screen on my computer and it wants money. Also, what’s a Bitcoin?” Once you process that information, how do you figure out where the ransomware got in? How do you know what’s safe and what’s not, and how do you...


    Protect: How to Stop Attacks Before They Happen [Webinar Replay]

    The best way to avoid having to deal with a ransomware disaster is to keep it from happening in the first place… which is easier said than done. Technology certainly plays a role, but that’s only half of the story. Making sure your people are aware of attack attempts and what they look like is crucial to protecting your environment....


    How to Avoid the IT Land Mines that Cripple Your Cloud Strategy [Webinar Replay]

    The decisions you make today could impact your cloud journey for years to come and you won’t even know it. Take, for instance, a new one-year vendor contract you sign to hold you over until the end of your current hardware lifecycle: by the time you’re migrated to the new platform, you’re not going to want to switch when it...


    Introducing Expedient Operations CTRL

    Patching and monitoring are crucial parts of infrastructure management, yet they provide little to no added business value. With multiple clouds, keeping track of all of your tooling makes it even worse. What would you do with the extra hours you’d get back if you didn’t have to worry about that? Watch as AJ Kuftic, Digital Product Strategist, and Mike...


    How to Secure Your Cloud Without Falling in a Money Pit [Webinar Replay]

    It’s real easy for costs to spiral out of control when it comes to security. With the headlines you see today around ransomware, it makes sense that businesses would overprovision their security. But there’s a better way. We’ll discuss how to secure your environments without resorting to excessive spending and overruns. In this webinar with the Experts @ Expedient, we’ll...

    The Future of VMware
    October 3rd, 2024 at 1:00 PM ET

    Insights from VMware Explore

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    The Future of VMware

    October 3rd, 2024 at 1:00 PM ET

    Insights from VMware Explore

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